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Knowing your Products

So that massive guide we had you print out yesterday? This is going to be your new best friend! Seriously, It has GREAT information in it.

On the go? Download our audio version of the Product Knowledge Guide!

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Have a customer who is asking for in depth information about our products? Great news! we have a team of dedicated SeneSisters who are ALL ABOUT SCIENCE! They have both a Facebook Group and a website that are great resources to learn from.

FB Group: Nerdy For My SeneSisters


Knowing product and using what you know to get other ladies interested isn't as difficult as it may seem! As you learn colors and other products, you can actually draw others in simply by working to memorize colors on your own! How you ask? Paint a few strips of colors on your hands and throughout the day practice repeating the names of each. As YOU work to memorize product, other ladies won't help but notice the gorgeous colors on your hand and BOOM. Conversation starts right from you learning your product!

Here are a few examples of pitches you could give when that

conversation DOES happen...

What are those stripes on your hand?
Oh these? It's a magic lipcolor that doesn't move. Check it out! Isn't that amazing?


What are those stripes on your hand?
Oh these? It's a magic lip color that doesn't move. Check it out! Isn't that amazing?
Yeah that's crazy! What is it?
It's called LipSense ® and I sell it. Here take my business card, I'd love to bring over samples for a demo!


When walking through the process with your client of matching them with the best color for their look, it's so important to go in with a game plan! Open your eyes to picking up on the little details of their face and complexion that will make the most of the color you choose. Remember, the lady you're working with is putting her trust in what YOU know, so go into the process with confidence! Gaining the trust of your customers is

key to building your clientele!

1. First, you want to take a look at their LIP SHAPE. Does your customer want their lips to look more full or do they want to make them look smaller? Ask them what they love about their lips and what they would tweak if they could. Dark and Matte colors will work to make their lips appear smaller while choosing a light, bright and shimmery color will make their lips appear larger.

2. Second, you're going to want to figure out your customer's SKIN TONE. Ask them what type of look they prefer on a day to day basis. Do they like a more natural everyday look or do they always try to step out and go with a more big, bold and beautiful look? Considering how fast pace life can tend to be ( Out on the town one minute and at home in sweats another), it might not be a bad idea to suggest for your customer to have products that give her both options. Whether a color for on the go or a color for staying at home, a girl likes to have OPTIONS!

To help you match your clients own skin tone, here are a few examples of what a warm versus cooler tone might look like.

3. Third thing you're going to want to ask is what type of SHINE do they like most? Do they lean more towards a flat/matte, a sparkly/shimmery or a frosty look? Do they typically like pinks, reds, browns, mauves, purples? After hearing them chat about what they prefer, you will be able to narrow down your color search to the perfect match.

And finally, once you suggest certain colors afterwards, send them a close up picture of that color with a collage that shows it on different skin tones! Your customer will be so impressed that you went the extra mile just to match them with THEIR best color.

- Find a binder or folder to store your SeneGence® Information in

- Put your Product Knowledge Guide in your binder!

- Highlight and tab key points about popular products like LipSense® and SenePlex Complex (we promise this will come in handy some day!). Make it easy to flip through and find the info you need quickly.

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